Saturday, November 18, 2006

Green Screen - Revisited

Well yesterday myself, Steve from Film Cafe and Suzanne from Birmmingham Dance Colllective had a green screen dance adventure. Continuing on from my previous visit to the green screen studio I decided to get the lighting and shots sorted. Previously I tried using side lightinng to fill Suzzane and Becks out from the backdrop. This didn't work and meant the key out was difficult and left the dancers looking flat. With the multiple skills and equipment of Steve we lit Suzanne with two back lights to seperate her from the back lighting. We then used fours lights from either side to both key and fill the space. This worked wonderfully and we got some beuatiful shots with a nice flat green back drop to key out.

As I've said Steve runs Film Cafe a production company. He has a large range of equipment which includes a Camera Jib. This jib allows the camera to move freely on all axis including up and down. This allowed me to get shots of Suzanne where the camera could 'dance' in repsonse to her movement. Above are the stills and video I shot on my camera phone. Watch out for the footage of the shoot as the week goes on.

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